Friday 19 April 2013

This is just sad.

Our political scene is in such a sorry state. It's ridiculous.

Maybe I'm thinking about this too simplistically. But if we said 'No', wouldn't that person be out of power just like that?

But I know the answer to that. I know the answers to the many questions I have in my head. But I can't stop asking them because the mockery in which we call a government is carrying out cowardly acts that ignite the rage in me.

Grow a pair lah..

I know I'm not fully educated about Malaysian politics. But I've read enough to know that the ministers really think we're stupid. Especially, the Home Ministers. And how can a decorative gerbang pintu cost a bomb?! Not maintained somewhere. Stupid, anot?

I'm getting depressed. I feel envious of those who have managed to migrate or get away from it all. But the feeling of wanting change is always nagging away.

What to do? Die also must vote.

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